Newsletter February 2024:

By: Carmen Navarro

Maximising Opportunities: Strategies and Tips for Participating in Industry Exhibitions

Participating in exhibitions can be a valuable and effective way to display your products, services or ideas, and to connect with potential customers, partners, and industry professionals.

Last year, bdp Mechanical Components had the opportunity to participate in an exhibition, which proved to be a very positive experience for the company.

Here are some steps and tips to consider when participating in exhibitions, according to our experience:

1.  Before the Exhibition:

Define Objectives:

Clearly outline your goals for participating in the exhibition. This could include generating leads, increasing brand awareness, networking or launching a new product.

Choose the Right Exhibition:

Select exhibitions that align with your industry, target audience and objectives. Research past events and their attendance to ensure they are a good fit.

Plan Early:

Start planning well in advance to ensure everything is organized. This includes booth design, promotional materials, staffing and travel arrangements.

Booth Design:

Create an eye-catching and functional booth design that reflects your brand. Consider the layout, signage and interactive elements to attract visitors.

Promotional Materials:

Prepare brochures, business cards, promotional giveaways and any other materials that effectively communicate your message.

Pre-Event Marketing:

Utilize social media, email campaigns and other channels to create anticipation and promote your participation. Offer incentives for attendees to visit your booth.

2. During the Exhibition:

Engage Attendees:

Train your staff to be approachable and engaging. Encourage them to initiate conversations, ask questions and provide information about your products or services.

Demonstrations and Samples:

If applicable, conduct live demonstrations or offer product samples to allow attendees to experience your offerings firsthand.

Collect Leads:

Have a system in place for collecting contact information from interested attendees. This could include using lead capture forms, scanners or other digital tools.


Take advantage of networking opportunities. Attend industry events, seminars, and social gatherings to connect with other professionals in your field.

Social Media Presence:

Maintain an active presence on social media during the exhibition. Share updates, photos and engage with attendees using event hashtags.

3. After the Exhibition:


Promptly follow up with the leads and contacts you gathered during the exhibition. Send personalized emails or make phone calls to express appreciation and provide additional information.

Evaluate Performance:

Assess the success of your participation by analyzing metrics such as leads generated, sales closed and overall return on investment (ROI). Use this information to improve future exhibition strategies.

Post-Event Content:

Share post-event content on your website and social media platforms. This could include event highlights, testimonials and any awards or recognitions received.

Seek Feedback:

Request feedback from your team and attendees to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Use this information to enhance your exhibition strategy for future events.


Remember, successful participation in exhibitions requires careful planning, effective execution and ongoing evaluation. Adjust your approach based on the lessons learned from each exhibition to continuously improve your results.

As mentioned above, bdp Mechanical Components has the opportunity to participate in a very well-known exhibition in the industrial sector, named “Subcontratación”. This exhibition was a notable success for us.

Firstly, our booth attracted a significant number of potential customers who displayed strong interest in our products and services. We engaged in meaningful conversations, conducted product demonstrations, and addressed numerous inquiries. The positive response from visitors was truly encouraging, reaffirming the value and appeal of our offerings.

The overall impact of our participation in “Subcontratación” has been highly favorable. It has not only strengthened our brand presence but also opened doors for potential partnerships and market expansion. The positive feedback received from both potential customers and industry peers is a testament to the dedication and quality of our team’s work.

Here you can find a picture of our participation.

bdp Mechanical Components has over 40 years of experience in the automotive and machinery industries. With our expertise in both Chinese and European procurement markets, we are well-equipped to assist you in finding the right suppliers and securing fair market prices.

We offer you a comprehensive range of services, including procurement, supplier audits, process audits, product inspections and logistics support. Rest assured that bdp Mechanical Components is committed to providing you with a seamless and efficient experience throughout our collaboration.

Feel free to contact us at with any further questions you may have regarding outsourcing of mechanical components.
Our bdp Mechanical Components team will be happy to advise and support you.

Carmen Navarro

Carmen Navarro

Back Office Sales·bdp Mechanical Components España

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