12. 1 月 2023

5 tips for successfully communicating and negotiating with Chinese suppliers

If you are a buyer negotiating with suppliers, you should not only listen carefully and ask smart questions but also make sure that you do not talk too much. Remember that the primary goal of all negotiations is to get more. Local German SMEs, for example, prefer to take the form of a multinational by buying directly from Chinese suppliers and integrating Chinese suppliers into their own business. International buyers generally consider "cultural differences" and "cross-cultural communication" as one of the main barriers to international sourcing. In the following article, we share five tips from our negotiation experience with you.
1. 2 月 2023

How does bdp Mechanical Components find and select suitable suppliers for customers (from a purchasing perspective)?

For many companies, suppliers are like the source of rivers, essential and indispensable. However, in the current era of information flow, looking for a supplier without very specific objectives is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack. Thus, let us share some of our experience in two aspects: how to find and how to choose a suitable supplier.
20. 2 月 2023

Special Edition-6 reasons why you need a sourcing agency in China

In this article, we will explain how a sourcing agent can help you avoid costly mistakes upfront when it comes to far-sourcing and manufacturing in China.
1. 3 月 2023

How to do a supplier process audit for the Automotive Industry?

Various audits are available to you as a customer to audit the processes of your own suppliers. The most common method that customers choose to have the processes of our suppliers audited is the VDA 6.3 process audit (hereinafter referred to as VDA 6.3) developed by the Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA), which assesses the quality capability and enables processes to be controlled and competent for the purpose of correction, prevention, and continuous improvement.

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